Approaches to Grow Your Brand on Pinterest

Pinterest has become a major social media site for brands looking to connect with their audience. If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s basically a visual bookmarking service where users pin images from around the web onto boards. With over 200 million monthly active users, Pinterest is now considered one of the top social networks. The company recently announced its IPO plans, which means they’re likely going public sometime next year.

Brands are using Pinterest to promote their products and services. They’ve even started creating branded accounts to interact directly with their customers. Here are some ways to get started to boost your brand on Pinterest and grow Pinterest followers.

Ways to Grow on Pinterest 

Pinterest is a visual search engine that allows users to discover content based on images. As a result, it’s a popular platform for brands looking to grow their audience and engage customers.

In this blog post, we’ll look at some approaches to growing your brand on Pinterest.

Create Visual Content

Visual content is key when it comes to engaging audiences on Pinterest. People spend more time looking at pictures than reading text. So, make sure your pins contain high-quality visuals.

You can also use Pinterest to promote your products and services. For instance, you can pin product pages, company websites, and landing pages.

Pin Images That Are Relevant to Your Audience

Your goal is to attract followers who share similar interests to yours. To do so, you must find relevant images to pin.

For example, if you sell shoes, you may want to pin photos of women wearing sneakers. Or, if you sell gardening supplies, you may want to focus on images of plants.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are keywords used to categorize posts. They allow you to connect with others interested in the same topic.

So, if you’re selling shoes, you may want your hashtags to include #shoes, #footwear, #fashion, etc.

Promote Your Pins

Promoting your pins is another effective strategy for growing your brand on Pinterest, especially if you’re trying to reach a specific demographic. For example, you may want to target men ages 25–34. To do so, set up a board called “Men 25–34” and pin only images related to men in that age range.

Repin Other Users’ Pins 

Repinning is a form of social sharing. When you repin someone else’s image, you’re telling your followers that you found something interesting and wanted to share it with them.

Create Content for Your Audience

Create content that appeals to your audience. For example, if you sell baby products, you may want to share images of babies and newborns. Or if you sell home decor items, you may want to feature photos of beautiful homes.

Pin Images That Are Relevant to Your Business

Pin relevant images to your boards. For instance, if you run a restaurant, pin pictures of food and recipes. If you sell clothing, pin fashion trends and styles.

Use Visual Search Features

Use the “visual search” features on Pinterest to find pins related to your business. These tools allow you to search for specific keywords within a picture. For example, if I wanted to find all pins featuring the word “baby,” I could type “baby” into the search bar and select “Visual Search.”

Promote Your Boards

Promoting your boards is another effective way to drive traffic to your site. To promote your board, simply click on the “promote” button located next to your board name.

Share Pins With Other Users

Share pins with other users. When you share pins, you’re essentially inviting others to visit your page.

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